Картинки по запросу moocsOnline learning is a remote interaction between the teacher and the student. The emergence of massive open online courses began in 2008, but gained real popularity in 2012. The possibility of distance learning is carried out through the use of computer technology and the Internet. This training system is suitable for people living in remote areas, as well as for those who do not have the opportunity to study full-time or attend classes. This system is financially affordable and therefore attracts a large number of people around the world.

At the moment the following courses would be useful for students of linguistic and pedagogical specialties:
1) EDX2) FutureLearn3) Codecademy4) COURSERA5) Open2Study
By selecting and comparing the most current and popular MOOCs, it can be concluded that they operate according to an identical, similar system. The partner universities and the proposed categories of education are also practically the same everywhere. The essence of online platforms is the organization of a link between world universities and online students.At the moment, many global companies are resorting to the online training service to improve the skills of their employees, because They consider this method the most convenient, flexible and reliable.With the development of new technologies and pedagogical methods, soon this type of training can completely replace full-time education. It is also worth noting that, despite the shortcomings of this training system, more than 24 million online students study on Coursera and EDX platforms, which indicates the growing popularity of online courses.
As for me, I would like to complete the following courses, because I think it'll be useful in my future life.

At the moment there are many online platforms that provide the opportunity to study remotely, many universities practice this type of training. The accessibility and ease of educational activities are attracting more and more people.


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